Resources &
We created several resources to help guide practitioners--both locally and across the country--in planning and developing effective strategies for strengthening community economies and building equitable neighborhoods centered around local food.

This resource was developed Mandela Partners in collaboration with several leading national practitioners to provide an asset-based approach for working with individuals impacted by the carceral system in the food sector, and highlights best practices for creating a kitchen and culinary training program that is adapted to the needs of reentry individuals to support long-term employment.

Mandela Partners developed this toolkit to provide a framework for practitioners seeking to increase income-generation opportunities for local entrepreneurs in unincorporated Alameda County, with a focus on food-based businesses.
Mandela Partners in collaboration with several leading national practitioners was a founding member of EFOD --a development strategy that uses food and agriculture to create economic opportunities, healthy neighborhoods, and explicitly seeks to build community assets, pride, and power by and with historically marginalized communities.
This Brown Paper highlights field research and findings, and defines a set of criteria for developing a vision for community self-determination that builds on the histories of food-based struggles for economic autonomy and civil rights and recognition.

Amani Ali leads the Healthy Grocery Initiative (HGI) at Mandela Partners. Through this insightful blog, Amani breaks down the misconceptions of the food landscape in East Oakland and debunks East Oakland's food desert myth--shedding light on the importance of independent community grocery stores.

A resource developed in partnership with the National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders, NALCAB, shares strategies for strengthening access to economic opportunity for local under-resourced entrepreneurs of color in the places where they have historic roots and long-standing social connections, with a strategic focus on West Oakland and East Oakland.